Top Movie Posters Of All Time (P1)

Creative, outrageous, inspring, unique, beautiful, descriptive, meaningful, eye-catching … and much more; all should be the features we are looking for while seeing a movie poster. I’m indeed loving movie posters, and have been collecting them through time. Just want to start a seri on Top Movie Posters Of All Times. Send me suggestion should I miss, and I should, any good one you feel 🙂

First part with 15 posters:

District 9
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4000 years of Democracy history

After 5000 years of World Religion summary, you might also want to know about 4000 years of Democracy history. Another concrete and precise flash by Maps of War will brief you on timeline how our social models were born and grew over time, just within 90 seconds 🙂


Democracy was found on the idea of protecting ‘freedom’ although those 2 terms are not synonymous. It can be seen as a set of practices and principles that institutionalise and thus ultimately protect freedom. Based on observation, one would agree that the fundamental features of a democracy include government based on majority rule and the consent of the governed, the existence of free and fair elections, the protection of minorities and respect for basic human rights.
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