My Eye Candy Leopard

Finally I had time to backup then install Mac OS X Leopard on my MacBook Pro 😀 Overall, the installation is quick and painless . Leopard is deadly gorgeous and much much faster than Tiger 😡

There are many ways to install Leopard into your Mac: via Leopard DVD, via Network, via External HDD (Firewire, USB). I made use of my iPod Video 5G (30Gb) to boot up 🙂 The backup took me around 45 minutes to complete, whereas the installation only took about 15 minutes.

Just a quick note, you can find online tutorial how to squeeze Leopard Install DVD from Dual Layer to Single Layer, that would probably benefit many who don’t have DL DVD Burner 😉 Continue reading

My May wallpaper

I changed my desktop wallpaper for this May to say that I’m ready before “Pirate of the Carribean III” coming to Singapore on 24 May 😀

My Right Panel:
The aqua blue and calming wallpaper is from Bartelme Design. The Pirates Icons package is from InterfaceLIFT.

My Left Panel:
The hot and ‘Don Quixote’ wallpaper is from VLAD Studio. All resolutions are WD 1440×900. Download and try them if you have time and mood 😛

A beautiful desktop, a few good friends online, iTunes turns on with good music playing, Rapidshare downloads @ 500 Kbps, and Apple trailers website loads fast – That’s all I ask for a cool night. Am I asking too much 😆

My Desktop Screenshot overtime

I love changing my desktop wallpaper on weekly basic. As time comes and goes, my desktop is getting prettier.
I’ve captured some of my desktop screenshots from Windows old days till Mac era 😀

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”500″ height=”363″ /]

This slideshow is done using SlideShowPro; and to be honest, it ate up half of my day just to work around with Flash, WordPress, Permanent Links and XML. This thing is very time consuming and sometimes annoying. The result is what you see; it works fine but not what I desire yet.