Apple – 10 years of "Think Different"

1997-2007, it’s almost 10 years after Apple first launched its slogan: “Think Different”, and we have seen a tremendous success of the best hardware-maker in the world. There was a hard time when Apple was a tired company with tired products and boring leaders; until Steve Jobs returned in 1996. Since then, with the new marketing strategy, the creative process, and “a bit vision thing” from Steve, Apple has written its name into history. (Read more on “Think Different”)

Think Different

100M iPodApple, if today you thank all the music lovers for the 100 millions iPod sold, I also want to thank you for bringing me to a whole new world. If people ever asked what did inspire me during those days I stayed in University, “Apple” will be the first word I spell out 🙂

Well done, Apple and Steve. I’m always in love with you.

As for an extra minute, if you heard of “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve; you shouldn’t miss his resume; it’s simply awesome 😀

Steve Job’s Resume

iPhone, OS X Leopard, and many other phenomenal products are coming. That’s the way to go, Apple. Surprises me as I’m sure you will 😀